Generative AI in Education: use cases, challenges and strategies

Generative AI in Education: use cases, challenges and strategies

The use of generative AI in education has sparked a great deal of debate. On the one hand, some hail it as a tool for personalised learning and enhanced educational outcomes. On the other hand, sceptics express concerns about misuse, particularly when it comes to cheating or over-reliance during assessments. However, as with any powerful technology, generative AI in education depends on how we choose to implement it.

What is clear is that several generative AI applications have the potential to revolutionise learning in various ways. In this article, we will explore some of the most significant generative AI use cases and how they might reshape education for the better.

The current landscape of GenAI in education

Despite the vast potential, a recent global survey by Unesco revealed that fewer than 10% of educational institutions have formal policies or guidance on using generative AI. This indicates that while awareness is growing, there's still a long way to go in fully embracing this technology.

To avoid being left behind, educational institutions must stop fearing generative AI and think critically about how it can augment, rather than disrupt, the learning experience. The focus should be on creating frameworks that make GenAI a net positive for the education system as a whole.

Key generative AI use cases in education

Here are some powerful use cases that are already changing the way educators teach and students learn:

Lesson planning and course structuring

One of the most labour-intensive tasks for educators is designing lesson plans and structuring courses. Generative AI can streamline this process by automatically generating content based on subject matter, learning objectives, and educational standards. By integrating relevant academic material and data, educators can quickly adapt lesson plans, saving them valuable time.

Instead of focusing solely on lesson preparation, educators can use that extra time to engage with students and improve the quality of teaching. AI doesn't replace the teacher; it empowers them to be more effective.

Personalised learning materials

Every student learns differently. GenAI can analyse individual learning patterns, strengths, and weaknesses to generate customised learning materials. Whether it's simplifying complex topics, offering additional practice for struggling students, or providing advanced challenges to high-achievers, generative AI can tailor resources to each learner's unique needs.

This personalised approach can lead to increased engagement, better retention of information, and more efficient learning overall, as students receive the specific support they need.

Feedback generation

GenAI is capable of delivering highly detailed feedback on assignments. GenAI can give students timely, actionable feedback by evaluating factors such as grammar, structure, coherence, and even the argument's logic. This is especially useful for large classes where personal feedback from teachers might be limited.

Teachers also benefit by saving time, as AI can handle initial evaluations, allowing them to focus on higher-level insights that help students grow.

Content simplification

One of the most promising generative AI applications is its ability to simplify complex subjects into easily digestible formats. Whether breaking down scientific theories or presenting historical events, generative AI can transform dense information into simplified formats appropriate for different age groups. This ensures that students understand challenging material in ways that are appropriate for their cognitive development.

This isn't just about simplifying content but tailoring it to the learner's level, creating a more inclusive learning environment.

Interactive learning experiences

Generative AI opens the door to more immersive and engaging learning experiences. It can generate simulations, virtual experiments, and interactive narratives that make learning more dynamic. For example, biology students could explore 3D simulations of cellular processes, or history students could take virtual tours of ancient civilisations.

By turning static textbooks into dynamic experiences, AI encourages active learning, making education not just informative but exciting.

24/7 tutoring support

Imagine having a tutor who is available any time of the day. GenAI-powered tutoring systems can provide just that, offering on-demand assistance for students who may need help beyond classroom hours. Whether it's late-night study sessions or last-minute test preparations, these AI tutors can answer questions, explain concepts, and offer additional practice problems.

This kind of constant support breaks down the limitations of traditional tutoring and gives every student equal access to help when needed.

Administrative support for educators

Beyond lesson plans and student interaction, teachers are often burdened with administrative tasks. Drafting emails, creating reports, and managing documentation can consume hours of their day. AI can automate these processes, allowing teachers to spend more time on what truly matters – teaching.

By lightening the administrative load, educators can focus on student engagement and lesson innovation, ultimately improving the quality of education.

Special Educational Needs (SEND) support

Generative AI can also be used to meet the unique needs of students with disabilities or learning challenges. By generating personalised lesson plans that consider different learning capabilities, AI ensures that all students, regardless of their needs, can receive an education tailored to them. This includes creating resources in various formats (audio, visual, simplified text), allowing students to learn in the way that best suits them.

This ensures inclusivity, giving every student a fair chance to succeed.

Assessment automation

GenAI can automate the grading process, significantly reducing the time teachers spend on assessing student work. By evaluating submissions against predefined criteria, AI can provide quick, accurate assessments, freeing teachers to offer more detailed feedback where it's most needed. While AI handles the technicalities, teachers can focus on providing more in-depth feedback to their students.

Research assistance for academics

For educators involved in research, generative AI can streamline the process of conducting literature reviews and data analysis. GenAI can rapidly sort through vast amounts of academic papers and datasets to provide relevant information, allowing researchers to focus on drawing insights rather than gathering data. This speeds up the research process and ensures findings are grounded in comprehensive, relevant information.

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Generative AI challenges and mitigation strategies

While there are plenty of benefits to generative AI in education, its rapid adoption brings forth ethical concerns that must be addressed thoughtfully. One of the most pressing issues is the potential for misuse, particularly in academic dishonesty, such as cheating on assignments or exams with AI-generated content. Another significant worry is the risk of students becoming overly reliant on AI, stifling their development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

To ensure the responsible integration of generative AI in education, here are several practical strategies that institutions can adopt:

Establish Clear Guidelines and Policies

Educational institutions must take the lead in setting well-defined policies regarding the acceptable use of generative AI. These policies should clearly differentiate between appropriate and inappropriate uses, outlining what constitutes academic dishonesty. Additionally, the consequences for violations should be explicitly stated. By establishing these boundaries, students will gain a better understanding of the ethical limits of AI in academic settings.

Promote digital literacy and critical thinking

A strong focus on digital literacy is essential for preparing students to navigate the challenges of generative AI in education. Educators can teach students how to evaluate AI-generated content thoughtfully by integrating critical thinking modules into the curriculum. This includes identifying credible sources, recognising biases in GenAI outputs, and understanding the limitations of generative AI tools. By fostering a more sceptical and informed approach, students are less likely to rely blindly on AI for their academic work.

Incorporate AI ethics into the curriculum

In addition to digital literacy, students should be educated on the ethical implications of GenAI. Courses or modules that delve into AI ethics can help raise awareness about issues like authorship, privacy, and the biases that may be embedded in AI systems. Such discussions not only enrich students' understanding of AI but also encourage them to consider the broader societal impact of these technologies.

Utilise AI detection tools

To maintain academic integrity, institutions can invest in AI-detection technologies designed to identify AI-generated content. These tools help educators spot instances of plagiarism or unauthorised assistance, ensuring that students' work remains authentic. Beyond simply catching violations, AI detection tools also provide valuable insights into how students are interacting with AI, helping teachers guide students toward more appropriate usage.

Encourage collaborative learning

One of the most effective ways to minimise individual over-reliance on AI is by encouraging collaborative learning environments. Group projects and team-based assignments foster communication shared problem-solving, and the exchange of diverse ideas. When students work together, they naturally develop critical thinking skills and rely less on GenAI to complete their work.

Shaping the future of education with generative AI

Generative AI is not just another passing trend. Its use in education has the potential to fundamentally transform the way we teach and learn. From personalising the learning experience to automating routine tasks, the possibilities are vast. But to fully realise these benefits, educators must embrace the technology thoughtfully, with an eye toward inclusivity, fairness, and the future of learning.

As schools and universities around the world begin to explore generative AI applications, it's important to remember that this tool, like any other, is what we make of it. Used wisely, it can reshape education for the better, helping us build a more engaged, informed, and creative society.

Getting Started with End-to-End AI Transformation

Partner with Calls9, a leading generative AI agency and your all-in-one partner, from strategy to secure and responsible GeneAI implementation and workforce up-skilling.

Join our AI Fast Lane programme to get access to a team of AI experts who will guide you through every step of the way:

  • Audit your existing AI capabilities
  • Create your Generative AI strategy
  • Identify Generative AI use cases
  • Build and deploy Generative AI solutions
  • Create a generative AI-enabled workforce
  • Testing and continuous improvement