We are delighted that the University of Bradford invited our Founder & CEO, Adam Roney, to deliver a presentation on "Opportunities and Challenges in FinTech Entrepreneurship." last Friday as part of their Career Booster week.
Students had the opportunity to hear Adam's insights and learn from his experience as an entrepreneur sharing his personal story and lessons learnt so far.
Lesson #1 - Have a beginner's mind
Lesson #2 - Be bold and take action
Lesson #3 - Feedback, not failure

And based on that, he tried to help aspiring entrepreneurs in the audience avoid obvious pitfalls whilst also filling them with enthusiasm for the road ahead.
The FinTech market is on the rise, and Adam presented the drivers of change in a Digital Transformation Model created by our team. He explored the global market and the national and regional FinTech sectors.
He then went on to discuss the opportunities and challenges in the market. He stressed the importance of finding a problem several people face and identifying ways to solve it with the right technologies.
As Adam said,
"[...] we badly need more entrepreneurs to solve some of the world's most pressing challenges such as social inequality, climate change and managing the positive (and negative) consequences of emerging technologies such as generative AI."
He also explored how challenging it is sometimes to find a niche, build a team and decide which technologies are right as well as get funding. But identifying an issue early on is the first step to overcoming it, and he encouraged the students to be bold and optimistic. If they know their "why," they will be able to navigate the challenges and bring their ideas to life.

We are also glad about the feedback we received from the students and happy they actively engaged with questions and conversations with Adam after the presentation. As Reuben Obasi, one of the students in the audience, put it on LinkedIn, "In his practical and lucid delivery, Adam perspicaciously shared insights on how to develop an entrepreneurial mindset, how to identify business opportunities within the FinTech space and the various way of successfully wading through the maze of challenges that comes with being an entrepreneur."
Lastly, we want to congratulate Dr Marizah Minhat and the University of Bradford for running these outstanding initiatives for their students. And, a big thank you to all the students who attended for their energy and insightful input.
If you want a copy of the presentation, please drop us a line.