13 September 2022 | 15:00 - 16:45 | Virtual Roundtable
Hear about the latest developments in cyber security and how best to protect your business. Explore how trust is key to the sustainability of a payment system. Blockchain technology promises a secure and more efficient way of making payments as compared to traditional bank transfers or pay apps where verification from third parties is required.
Calls9 Founder & CEO Adam Roney has been invited to speak at ICAEW Scotland's roundtable and try to answer critical questions such as:
⚡️ Is blockchain technology secure, and can it be trusted?
⚡️ How do I know with whom I am transacting with?
⚡️ Is there any protection for businesses and consumers?
If you are interested in learning more about this topic, then please join the roundtable discussion led by the ICAEW Scotland on the 13th of September at 15:00.