Panel Discussion Summary: Building GenAI into your HR function – Is it worth the hype?

Panel Discussion Summary: Building GenAI into your HR function – Is it worth the hype?

Generative AI (GenAI) has uniquely accelerated HR's engagement with artificial intelligence, unlike any previous technology trend. Historically, the adoption of AI tools in human resources has been gradual, lacking widespread traction. However, GenAI technologies present several compelling advantages for the HR sector. Teams already use tools like ChatGPT, Microsoft CoPilot, Dall-e, and more to explore AI in recruitment scenarios. As these deployments enhance efficiency and deliver new insights within the people function, HR's involvement with GenAI is expected to increase significantly.

This is why the effective integration of GenAI into human resources functions was the focus of a roundtable discussion hosted by international law firm Womble Bond Dickinson in partnership with Another Recruitment and Calls9. The event explored the pragmatic approaches businesses can take to incorporate GenAI tools into their HR processes effectively and ethically.

Here are ten key takeaways from the discussion, led by Gearalt Fahy, Partner at WBD, alongside Angela Smith, Director at Another, and Adam Roney, Founder and CEO at Calls9

1. GenAI as a catalyst for change in HR

GenAI offers significant potential to drive positive change in HR functions by speeding up time-intensive processes across recruitment, onboarding, personal development, compliance, DEI and more. It can significantly enhance the efficiency of these processes, thereby allowing HR professionals to focus on more strategic roles.


2. Strategic advantages and time management 

By automating routine tasks, GenAI frees up HR teams to focus on the bigger picture. This shift not only empowers HR teams, often stretched thin, to operate more strategically but also supports the overarching goals of the organisation with enhanced focus and efficiency.

3. Proven success in early adoption 

Early adopters of GenAI in HR, like McDonald's with its 'McHire' programme, which streamlines recruitment processes and shortens time to hire by 65%, and Workday's automated job description development, demonstrate the technology's capacity to simplify processes effectively. 

4. The necessity of human oversight 

Despite its vast capabilities, GenAI requires human intervention to tailor its applications to specific cultural and linguistic contexts. The human touch ensures that standardised processes resonate on a local level, maintaining the nuance needed in diverse global operations.

5. Developing comprehensive AI policies 

Businesses must establish clear AI policies to manage how GenAI is deployed within HR functions. These policies should outline the appropriate uses of AI, aiming to mitigate risks and clarify the scope of AI's application, ensuring safe and effective usage.

6. Evaluating GenAI vendors carefully 

With the proliferation of AI solutions, organisations must be vigilant in selecting vendors. A standardised checklist for evaluating AI services can help verify their credibility and consistency, ensuring that these technologies align with the company's needs and ethical standards.

7. Risks of data privacy with GenAI 

The use of large-scale GenAI models poses inherent risks related to data privacy, as sensitive information might be inadvertently shared beyond the intended scope. Companies must exercise caution and consider the broader implications of data inputs into these models.

8. Customised implementation strategies 

Effective Generative AI deployment requires bespoke implementation strategies that reflect an organisation's unique culture, values, and demographics. Tailored approaches ensure that GenAI tools complement existing practices without disrupting the established corporate culture.

9. Managing the impact on job roles 

Integrating Generative AI in HR poses challenges related to job displacement. As these technologies take on more tasks traditionally performed by humans, there is an increasing need for roles to evolve, requiring significant upskilling and reskilling of the existing workforce.

10. Adopting Generative AI responsibly 

Employee perceptions of GenAI vary, and it is crucial for organisations to foster a culture of continuous learning and adaptation. Organisations must communicate effectively about GenAI's benefits and changes to align them with long-term strategic goals and ensure that all employees are on board and well-informed.

The above insights from Womble Bond Dickinson's roundtable in partnership with Another and Calls9 underscore GenAI's transformative potential in HR functions, highlighting the importance of thoughtful implementation, ongoing management, and the balanced integration of technology with human oversight. 

If you'd like to learn more about creating your GenAI strategy and successfully implementing Generative AI in your organisation, download The Ultimate GenAI Guide by Calls9 for practical, jargon-free advice. 

GenAI Guide

Getting Started with End-to-End AI Transformation

Partner with Calls9, a leading Generative AI agency, through our AI Fast Lane programme, designed to identify where AI will give you a strategic advantage and help you rapidly build AI solutions in your organisation. As an AI specialist, we are here to facilitate the development of your AI strategy and solutions within your organisation, guiding you every step of the way:

  • Audit your existing AI capabilities
  • Create your Generative AI strategy
  • Identify Generative AI use cases
  • Build and deploy Generative AI solutions
  • Testing and continuous improvement

Learn more and book a free AI Consultation